Your Skin And Your Inner World…

Your Skin And Your Inner World…

If you feel like you’re caring for your skin but still don’t have that glow, maybe it’s time to look at your inner world..


Are you:

 Frequently feeling negative emotions such as guilt, shame, anger, unworthiness

Constantly re-living past events, either traumatic ones or more minor ones like recent social interactions

Spending most of your time obsessing over the future, the emails you have to write, meetings that haven’t happened yet

Feeling dissatisfied with your life and what you have ‘achieved’


These are all forms of physiological stress (I’ll do another post about physical and chemical stress soon) and they stop your body (and skin) from functioning harmoniously.


If any/all of the above sound like you, don’t worry, it used to be me too. Although I had nothing majorly stressful happening in my life my inner world was always turbulent (and sometimes still is).


When under stress your bodily functions become disorderly and incoherent and so do the processes that regulate:


collagen and elastin production = loose skin and wrinkles

lymphatic drainage = puffy undefined features

immunity = breakouts and acne

skin regeneration = dull complexion


One thing I would recommend for starting to create a happy inner world is meditation. Meditation creates space between you and the negative thoughts and emotions you’re addicted to. And when you zoom out you can see them for what they really are – not you.


I’ve read some great books that helped me understand this and also kick started my journey into spirituality. Let me know if you want to know what they are.

With love, 
